BSV Technical Advantages

The BSV blockchain offers unbounded scaling, exceptional performance, and immense interoperability.


BSV is a UTXO based system that can handle over 50k transactions per second.

Low cost

Miner competition guarantees high throughput and low fees at a fraction of a cent.


Powered by proof-of-work providing highest blockchain security standards.


Tools and Resources

The developer hub includes information for current or prospective developers to get started building applications on the BSV blockchain.

World-class infrastructure

Reliable open-source software, providing the fundamental requirements for businesses and enterprises.

Tools and libraries

Build confidently using robust tools and libraries and learn how to build on the BSV blockchain in popular programming languages.

Community Spotlight

Join a vibrant community which will allow your business to connect, learn, and grow. Be a voice for the BSV blockchain and help expand our community.

Highlight projects

The BSV blockchain offers the best solution for enterprise-grade applications and services.

Upcoming meetups and events

Join us at upcoming BSV Blockchain events where you can share ideas and expertise with other developers.

Getting started

The BSV blockchain is geared towards helping your project, business or government agency grow and scale exponentially.


Attend regular hackathons which focus on building on the BSV blockchain.


The BSV Blockchain’s focus on stability allows businesses to plan years ahead.


Join a vibrant community available 24/7 to answer all developer questions.

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