The BSV Blockchain offers various token protocols to accommodate a variety of use cases including supply chain tracking, Web3 tokenisation and CBDCs.
A token is simply a digital record of ownership on the BSV Blockchain that is managed by a smart contract. Specifically, it is a digital ledger entry that records the ownership rights of a certain entity for a given asset and the subsequent changes of ownership over time to the BSV Blockchain ledger. Each company has the freedom to create its own one (just like there are many database types in the world. The BSV Blockchain supports a variety of token protocols to meet every demand.
The STAS protocol creates smart contract based tokens and enforces token persistence with optimised, minimal code size. STAS tokens as native L1 tokens on the BSV Blockchain protocol are ideal to implement token or NFT solutions that rely on long term stability and decentralised management.
1Sat Ordinals is a completely FOSS protocol which infuses individual sats with numismatic value at the atomic level of BSV. Each sat can now be inscribed with any arbitrary data; creating unique BSV-native digital artifacts that integrate with all wallets. Inscriptions are as scalable, durable and secure as BSV itself, and 1Sat Ordinals is uniquely powerful among token protocols because of its elegant simplicity.
BSV is the most scalable blockchain in existence, this comes with a variety of advantages.
Smart contracts automate secure financial transactions and enforce contract terms
The BSV Blockchain can underpin voting by increasing its accountability, transparency and accuracy.
The BSV Blockchain has been designed from day one to be 100% regulation friendly. It matters!
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