ARC is a cutting-edge transaction processor that streamlines the submission of transactions to the BSV network. By providing seamless connectivity and exceptional performance, ARC paves the way for unparalleled global scalability in the BSV ecosystem.

Learn more about each component of ARC and how they work together to create a seamless transaction processing experience.
Metamorph is a microservice responsible for processing transactions sent by the API to the BSV network. It re-sends transactions if they are not acknowledged by the network within a certain time period (60 seconds by default). Metamorph is designed to be horizontally scalable, with each instance operating independently and having its own transaction store.

What is the main advantage of using ARC over mAPI?
How does ARC improve transaction lifecycle management?
What are the microservices in ARC, and how do they contribute to its functionality?
ARC consists of four microservices: API, Metamorph, BlockTx, and Callbacker. The API handles authentication, validation, and transaction submission; Metamorph processes transactions and resends them if needed; BlockTx processes blocks and propagates transaction status; Callbacker sends callbacks to clients when transactions are accepted.
How does ARC's extended format improve transaction validation?
The extended format includes satoshis and scriptPubKey for each input, which allows ARC to validate transactions without downloading parent transactions. This reduces processing time and network overhead, making the system more efficient.
What is the significance of BIP-239 in relation to ARC?
BIP-239 describes the extended format used by ARC for transactions. It serves as a comprehensive specification for this new format, which aims to become the standard for interchange between wallets and non-mining nodes on the BSV network.
How does ARC ensure scalability and robustness?
Developing ARC – A BSV Blockchain open-source effort
Making transactions simple with ARC
Gearing up for the launch of ARC with TAAL
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