Solving real-world problems in the Metaverse

The metaverse will not only offer immense opportunities for businesses and customer interactivity – but will also be a powerful tool for governments around the world. This includes unique education opportunities and the ability to serve citizens in novel and exciting ways.
Better invoicing with blockchain

InvoiceMate solves the issue of inefficient invoice processing. Here’s how the project results in saving professionals much effort, time and resources.
BSV Blockchain at LEAP 2022: The future of data and payments

In a discussion around fintech and blockchain at LEAP 2022, speakers working with the BSV blockchain explained how the technology could disrupt data and payments.
BSV’s Blockchain for Government Initiative completes historic first official visit to the Republic of the Sudan

The visit centred around Sudan’s first-ever Blockchain Summit & Workshop, a two-day event held April 8-9 and led by the BSV blockchain ecosystem.