4chain studio
Technology & product development boutique focusing on leveraging potential of the BSV blockchain
Transform your business using the world’s most scalable technology. Our industry leading experts design and develop bespoke software applications to revolutionize your business and customers’ experience.
Nakasendo™ provides a mix of high-level cryptographic functions underpinned by the nChain IP patent portfolio as well as by the cryptographic primitives required to implement your new big idea.
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sCrypt is designed to facilitate writing smart contract running on chain.
The BSV Editor
Bitcoin is one of the most exciting innovations ever conceived. New versions of software are being developed that will support millions of transactions per second. In the not-too-distant future, it will become common practice for users to seemlessly pay for their purchases on the high street with coins safely accessed from their phones. Bitcoin has […]
Operate is a toolset to help developers build applications, games and services on top of Bitcoin (SV). It lets you write functions, called “Ops”, and enables transactions to become small but powerful programs, capable of delivering new classes of services layered over Bitcoin.
Electrum SV
Place bitcoin under the control of multiple people, where a number of those people are required to sign off together on any spending. ElectrumSV is one of the few wallets that supports multi-signature payments.