
Get your crypto API for instant access to 60+ blockchain networks including BTC, ETH, and BSV which is over 1000 coins and tokens.


A light weight metanet gateway for bitcoin.


MetaHandle is a tool to access onchain content on BSV. Instead of accessing it with a txid, you can reference any content to a human readable handle which is stored onchain. So all you need is to search for your handle to access any file you want.

Chronos Labs

Tools for building a better Internet on Bitcoin


CATN8. The world`s first embeddable, interactive, monetizable, video player. And also a peer-to-peer superwallet.

sCrypt: Visual Studio Code

sCrypt extension for Visual Studio Code sCrypt (pronounced “ess crypt”) is a high-level smart contract language for BSV.


Overpool lets you build your own off-chain bitcoin transaction ledger, which can optionally be shared over an overlay P2P network (DAT), in realtime.