Learn more about blockchain in our town hall and ELI5 sessions

Interested in learning more about the BSV blockchain and how it can help your business or government agency? The team at BSV Blockchain is currently running a series of ‘Explain Like I’m Five’ (ELI5) sessions, which focus on sharing beginner-friendly information about the BSV blockchain.

The weekly sessions are hosted by BSV Blockchain’s Head of Community Brett C. Banfe on BSV Blockchain’s official X (Twitter) channel and include a range of experts and topics to provide bite-sized information for users learning about the network.

‘Unlocking the complexities of the BSV blockchain through ELI5 sessions is not just about simplification; it’s about empowering individuals with the knowledge to navigate the future of finance,’ said Banfe.

‘In these sessions, we don’t just break down concepts; we ignite a spark of understanding that fuels innovation and adoption, shaping a more inclusive and informed blockchain community.’

Learn more about our ongoing work in our quarterly town hall

The BSV Association is a non-profit association (Verein) in Switzerland, created to bring together enterprises, start-up ventures, developers, merchants, exchanges, service providers, blockchain transaction processors (miners), and others in the BSV Blockchain ecosystem.

But what exactly does it do daily and how does it assist those who are actively working with the technology? Those who are interested in our daily work are encouraged to tune into our quarterly town hall meetings. These meetings are part of BSV Blockchain’s goal of being more open and transparent stewards, said Banfe.

‘These town hall sessions serve as the cornerstone of transparency and engagement, offering a platform where the BSV Blockchain’s work is not just showcased but understood and embraced by the community,’ said Banfe.

‘These gatherings are more than just meetings; they’re bridges connecting the Association’s efforts with the aspirations of the broader ecosystem, fostering collaboration, trust, and collective progress towards a future built on blockchain,’ Banfe said.

The next town hall will take place on March 28 at 16h00 CET. More details about the agenda and gaining entrance will be posted closer to the date, so keep an eye on our social channels!

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