Join our conference to meet top level experts shedding light on
the latest developments in data protection regulations,
compliance and innovative technologies.
The Privacy Symposium aims at promoting international dialogue, cooperation, and knowledge sharing on data protection, compliance, and innovative technologies.
Privacy Symposium 2023
in Venice
17-21 April 2023
With over 200 authorities and experts sharing their perspectives, the PRIVACY SYMPOSIUM provides a venue for data protection professionals, experts, authorities and researchers to meet and discuss:
- Latest and upcoming changes in data processing regulations
- International cooperation and convergence in data protection
- Emerging technologies and data protection compliance
- Future demands and needs for data protection compliance
- Research and innovation in data protection and compliance
Our Priority Objectives:
- Knowledge Sharing
- Dialogue and Cooperation
- Enhance Data Protection Compliance
Administration and Communication Partners
The secretariat of the conference is provided by the foundation Mandat International, with the support of the Italian Institute for Privacy (IIP), Archimede Solutions, IoT Lab, and Dunavnet.