IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things 2022


The dates for the IEEE WFIoT2022 has been changed to 26 October–11 November 2022. The conference will be held as a hybrid conference consisting of both Virtual Live Online and Face-Face sessions where the Face-Face sessions will take place between October 31 and November 4 at PACIFICO Yokohama North.

The IEEE World Forum on IoT will now be receiving and accepting Late Technical Paper Submissions with a deadline of July 11th, 2022. The Late Technical Paper Submissions include all Twelve Technical Tracks identified for the conference. The deadline for regular Technical Paper Submissions has now passed. We will also continue to receive papers for Special Sessions, Workshops, and papers accompanying Vertical and Topical Track presentations until the July 11th, 2022, deadline. As a shortcut, all submissions can be made using eWorks by clicking the button below.

eWorks Submissions


The 8th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (IEEE WFIoT2022) is the premier event of the Multi-Society IEEE IoT Initiative. You will find a comprehensive and exciting program that brings the latest developments from industry, the business world, the public sector, and the research community. The World Forum attracts the most prominent people from across the breath of the IoT ecosystem, the latest news of significant innovations and advances from the academic community, and shared experiences from practitioners and end-users about the successes and challenges of IoT deployments. The World Forum is all about the nurture and promotion of IoT for the benefit of society and humanity. The conference is focused on the betterment of life through the responsible and ethical adoption of IoT technologies, applications, and solutions.

The Theme for the World Forum is “Sustainability and the Internet of Things”. You will find that the discussion and dialog at the conference will emphasize presentations and panels addressing the four pillars of sustainability: human, social, economic, and environmental. The World Forum will specifically focus on how technical IoT applications and solutions contribute to the seventeen Sustainability Development Goals that were developed in the UN Brundtland Report.

The IEEE WFIoT2022 will be held as a hybrid conference consisting of both Virtual Live Online and Face-Face sessions, that include local and remote presence. In view of the guidance about the COVID Pandemic and continued restrictions on international travel we have elected to hold the conference and all its components in their entirety. In doing so we will provide all participants with a safe and convenient way to be involved. At the same time, we will program the World Forum to be highly interactive with sessions timed to encourage broad participation from around the Globe.

IEEE WFIoT2022 brings together experts in IoT from around the world and the diverse community of stakeholders that make up the IoT ecosystem. Today that touches almost all sectors of the world economy. The World Forum will cover the breadth of activities, technologies, and applications in IoT reflecting the vast range of interests and investment in IoT and its building blocks with the following set of programs:

  • Plenary Program addresses all registrants for the IEEE WFIoT2022. It consists of speeches and presentations from the foremost technologists and industry leaders in IoT, in key subject areas critical to the success and acceptance of IoT.
  • The Technical Paper Program is the main technical track aimed at the Research and Academic community and consists of Technical peer reviewed papers with an emphasis on novel and original results and advanced ideas important and relevant to IoT and its future.
    • Special Sessions consist of peer-reviewed papers and interactive presentations focused on a selected “hot” research topics of importance to IoT.
    • Workshops consist of peer-reviewed papers, presentations, panel discussions, and summary results about advanced and important topics relevant to IoT.
    • Masters/PhD Forum and Student Paper Contest (MP) is a program for graduate students entering careers in IoT, where the participants propose and discuss brand-new ideas addressing issues related to IoT.
  • Industry Forums consists of presentations and panel discussions aimed at research topics important to industrial and business related IoT issues.
  • Tutorials will provide detailed technical information about key technologies essential for developing IoT-related hardware, software, systems, and operations.
  • Vertical and Topical Tracks cover designated topics important to IoT in general and to the host region. Leading experts will lead interactive presentations, focused on topics of importance to IoT practitioners, addressing aspects of actual IoT implementation, adoption, deployment, and operation.
  • Women in Engineering (WIE) Forum facilitates discussion about topics related to women in the IoT community, in areas that affect industry, the public sector, and the research community.
  • Young and Professionals (YP) Forum provides a world-wide opportunity for networking, information sharing, and exchange of opinions among young professionals in research and academia, business, industry, and in engineering practice.
  • Entrepreneurial Forum will brings together startups, small and medium business owners, incubator organizations, and venture capitalists, to share experience that will help manage and grow and successful IoT companies.

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