[eBook] What is Bitcoin?
Though Bitcoin is most commonly known as a monetary system, at its core you will discover a data management system with features and benefits that set it apart from all others.
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Enterprise blockchain products using the BSV blockchain (eBook)
Beyond the buzz and hype about blockchain technology being revolutionary, the current state of enterprise application development using blockchain as a whole has not progressed beyond experimental phases.
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Web3 and its impact on the finance sector
Blockchain technology will have a significant impact on traditional finance institutions – including everyone from banks to government institutions.
The future of identity: empowering individuals in a web3 world
Christine Leong, CIO at nChain, discusses the transformative power of digital identities, extending beyond individuals to encompass various assets and the need for trust and verification in an AI and IoT-driven world.
Guiding users through web3 with HandCash
HandCash is one of the most popular wallets in BSV. While they have nailed payments in the past, Brandon Cryderman shows us why HandCash is also the go-to wallet for web3.
DXS: Revolutionising micro-trading with Web3 and crowdfunded...
Angus Adams, the Analytics Advisor for DXS, presents the DXS app, a CFD trading platform, that is transforming the world of micro trading.
How to prepare your business for Web3
During the Philippine Blockchain Week (Nov 27 – Dec 4, 2022), a panel of business owners and experts in Web3 discussed how businesses can prepare themselves for Web3.
Blockchain: The keystone of Web 3.0 transformation
The digital landscape is on the precipice of a revolutionary change, with blockchain technology at the helm of this transformation. This change signifies the transition from the user-generated Web 2.0 to the blockchain-driven Web 3.0, promising an era of enhanced security, unparalleled transparency, and a truly decentralised digital economy.

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